Monday, June 18, 2007

Games of Friday, June 20, 1947

WENATCHEE, June 20 – A 10-run eighth inning put the game away for good as the Vancouver Capilanos downed the Wenatchee Chiefs, 16-9, tonight in a Western International League baseball game.
The Caps had a 7-0 deficit when they scored twice in the sixth. Charlie Mead and Lou Estes singled, then Len Tran doubled.
In the eighth, Buddy Hjelmaa worked Bob Condon for a walk, then Mead, Estes and Bob Stumpf singled before Tran cleared the bases with a double. Jim Estrada reached first on Clyde Haskell’s error and Joe Vivalda came in to relieve. Lee Mohr singled and Hjelmaa doubled, so Tom Rose replaced Vivalda — and gave up three more runs.
Steve Andrate homered for the Chiefs. Mel Wasley and Nick Pesut each had three hits, Pesut hitting a homer, a triple and a single.
Vancouver ........ 000 002 0(10)3—16 18 0
Wenatchee ....... 140 200 002— 9 11 2
Hall, Bryant (5) and Stumpf; Condon, Vivalda (7), Rose (7) and Pesut.

SALEM, June 20 – The Victoria Athletics fell victim to 18-year-old high schooler Darrel Eliason making his first professional start, as the Salem Senators pulled off a 6-3 win tonight in the Western International League.
Elaison, fresh out of Sandy, Oregon High School, scattered ten Victoria hits as his mates bunched eight blows to hand Jim Arnold his first defeat in his second league start.
Led by Bob Moore, who punched out four huts, the Solons tallied five runs off Arnold in the first three innings as a pair of walks and an error figured in the scoring. They counted their final run in the seventh when Joe Blankenship was doing the Victoria hurling.
The losers scored two in the second, with hits by Vic Mastro and Bill White amd a bobble by Mel Nunes doing the damage. A wild pitch with the bags loaded in the fifth inning accounted for their other score.
Victoria ....... 020 010 000—3 10 2
Salem .......... 203 000 10x—6 8 1
Arnold, Blankenship (8) and Anske; Eliason, Sporer (9) and Kerr.

YAKIMA, July 20 – Gene Thompson clouted two inside-the-park home runs as the Yakima Stars defeated Tacoma 15-3 in Western International League action tonight.
Tacoma ......... 000 100 011— 3 7 3
Yakima ......... 302 080 21x—15 16 1
Shapley, Clough (5) Greenlaw (7) and Kuper; Simon and Phillips.

Bremerton ......... 000 210 002—5 10 3
Spokane ............ 003 600 00x—8 11 0
Lowman, Marshall (4) and Volpi; Samson and Bufflap.

Catcher to Join Spokane
SPOKANE, June 20 – James Francis (Frank) O’Neill, star Villanova Unievrsity catcher for the last two seasons, today reported to the Spokane Indians on option from Mobile, Alabama, the Brooklyn Dodger club in the Southern Association. O’Neill enters the class “B” Western International Baseball League as a replacement for second-string Spokane catcher Vito Dimaria, who was released outright today.

Ex WIL Star Vanni Heading East
SEATTLE,June 20 — Edo Vanni, popular Seattle Rainiers outfielder, has landed a job with the Birmingham, Ala., team of the Southern Assocition and will report immediately, Earl Sheely, Rainiers general manager, said Friday. He was released recently. Pitcher John Orphal, with a three won, five lost record with the Rainiers was sold to Birmingham in a straight cash deal, Sheely added.

[Vancouver Sun, June 21, 1947]
If Bob Brown, generalissimo of things up Cap Stadium way, lives to be 100, he will likely never again engineer as clever a deal as the one which brought young and talented Carl Gunnarson to the Caps in exchange for sore and moaning Hunk Anderson, the fellow with the creaking old mill.
Now let’s get one thing straight before we move on. We have nothing at all against Anderson. He is a good guy. His chief fault is that he moans too much and that his salary wing, the right one, isn’t as chipper as Gunnarson’s payoff left flipper.
To illustrate a point we will tell of an incident which took place here last year. Anderson had just beaten the tough Bremerton Bluejackets. He beat them with a five-hitter, and shut ‘em out to boot, 4-0.
In the dressing room after the game (sports writers were allowed to talk to reporters in those days), we said “Nice game, Hunk, very, very nice.”
“Thanks,” beamed the big right-hander. Then he winced. “But my arm, oooooh, it hurts. And my back. The pain is awful.”
* * *
Just how Brown talked Portland into making a deal like that will remain a mystery through the ages. You’ll note we said the deal was made with Portland. That it was. Gunnarson was Beaver chattel.
It is possible that Portland did not know Anderson, though the latter was in t e Coast League part of last season. We would prefer to believe, however, that cagy Robert P. pulled a fast one.
Just the other day when Bob and I were talking baseball, the chatter got around to Gunnarson. It was off the record, too. That’s what makes it interesting copy.
“I think Gunnarson could win some ball games for Seattle right now,” said Brown. “Of course, I am not offering him to Sheely (Rainier business manager Earl Sheely), until the season is over.”
The latter statement stopped me for a minute. It could only mean that a sale was in the offing for left hander Carl. It looks like this even up deal will put the Caps from $3000-$4000 in pocket.
Of course, Gunnarson has been working toward Seattle ever since he joined Bill Brenner and crew in Tacoma several weeks ago. He had a three won and one lost record with Salem. Now he has piled on four straight victories and hasn’t been stung yet as a Capilano.
* * *
Carl’s advancement has been remarkable. When I first saw him in 1942 he was an awkward, jerky-motioned left. He pitched for Norvans in our senior league.
Three years later Carl had put in a full term with Portland and was starting on another with Salem.
The jerkiness was gone. Here was a sweet, smooth-throwing southpaw who pitched with both arm and head. He had a fair-to-middlin’ fast ball. His curve was a big jug-handle which danced a jitter-bug tune as left-handed hitters fell all the way back to the dugout. He tossed the curve in two speeds, and for right-handed hitters he cut down the “jug” to a near slider.
Carl is cocky, too, and that helps some. Errors at his back don't bother him at all. He shrugs, serves up some more of his “alive” stuff and bingo, he’s out of the jam.
And so it looks like Carl is Seattle bound. He might like it if we added that he is a fair hitter, too. Since he joined the Caps he has made nine hits for 18 trips, or a .500 mark. He does everything rather well, you see.

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