Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sunday, August 24, 1947

after games of Sunday
              W  L Pct. GB
Bremerton .. 78 60 .565 --
Spokane .... 78 68 .561 ½
Salem ...... 75 59 .560 2
Victoria ... 75 63 .543 3
Vancouver .. 73 63 .541 3½
Tacoma ..... 66 71 .482 11½
Yakima ..... 53 84 .387 24½
Wenatchee .. 49 87 .360 27½

Two Players Suspended, Indians Forfeit Game
SPOKANE, Aug. 24 — The Salem Senators knocked Spokane out of first place in the Western International League tongith by defeating the Indians, 6-2, in the second game of a double-header after being awarded the openr, 9-0, on a ninth inning forfeit.
Spokane manager Ben Garaghty and George Schmees were notified by League Superintendent Robert Abel just before the second game that they had been suspended "until further notice" for their part in an afternoon argument that started a call at third base by umpire Marty Nenzich has been protested.
Scheme Tackled
Indian centre fielder George Schmees was ousted from the game after he started in front the outfield toward the site of the bickering. Schmees then charged the pitcher's box but was brought down by a flying tackle by Spokane pitcher Bill Samson.
Then umpire Bill Abbey threw up his hands and ruled the game a forfeit to Salem. Police were called in to escort the arbiters from the field.
First game:
Salem .......... 000 100 13—5
Spokane ...... 050 000 00—5
Wyatt and Beard; Latino and O'Neill.
(Game awarded to Salem, 9-0, by forfeit in first of the ninth).
Second Game:
Salem ....... 000 010 221—6 11 2
Spokane .... 000 010 010—2 6 0
Anderson, Sinovic (8) and Beard; Miller, Forsyth (9) and Bufflap.

First game:
Yakima ............ 000 000 2—2 4 0
Wenatchee ...... 000 030 x—3 2 1
Cordell and Phillips; Frost and Dalrymple.
Second game:
Yakima ............ 002 303 001 1—10 14 5
Wenatchee ...... 100 220 013 2—11 12 3
Romple, Wallerstein (9) and Constantino, Phillips (5); Day, Condon (4), Burd (5), Rose (6), and Dalrymple.

First game:
Bremerton ............ 001 000 2—3 7 2
Tacoma ............... 001 000 0—1 2 2
Sullivan and Ronning ; Greco and Clifford.
Second game:
Bremerton ......... 020 000 002 — 4 11 2
Tacoma ........... (10)00 101 30x— 15 I3 1
Ahearn, Smith (2) and Volpi, Ronning; Chetkovich and Kuper.

Only games scheduled.

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