Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Games of Sunday, July 6, 1947

VICTORIA — The Athletics tramped the unfortunate Tacoma Tigers twice Sunday, 5-2 and 5-3, to gain an 8-2 edge in their lengthy ten-game Western International League series.
The twill-bill marked the return of Bob Jensen, who was thrown into action immediately after his arrival and responded with a four-hit perfoirmance to give the A's a decision in the seven-inning opener.
The nightcap was marked by the brilliant hurling of Bill Woop, who struck out a total of 13 men and gamely continued to go the route after being felled by a pitched ball while at bat in the sixth inning.
Jack Harshman hit a home run in each game to run his total for the season to 23. John Hooper and Vic Mastro also hit for the circuit.
First game (7 innings):
Victoria ............ 030 110 0—5 7 1
Tacoma ........... 101 060 0—2 4 1
R Jensen and Anske; Tinsley and Clifford.
Second game:
Victoria ........... 300 000 020—5 12 0
Tacoma .......... 000 001 110—3 7 2
Woop and Mastro; Morgan, Chetkovich (7) and Clifford.

VANCOUVER — Bremerton's Hub Kittle tossed a five hitter, all singles, in a 5-0 opener of a Western International League double-header here Sunday. The Bluejackets thumped the Capilanos 10-1 in the seven-inning night game, as Harry Johnston allowed only four hits.
Kittle gave up three walks, hit a batter, but didn't strike out anyone.
In the opener, Charlie Bushong had three hits and brought in a pair, while Al Ronning doubled twice and also brought in a teammate.
The only extra-base hit Vancouver got in the nightcap was Lou Estes' double.
Bill Barisoff had a pair of triples to plate a pair, while Frank Volpi has a two-run single.
Johnston walked one and strick out one, while Pete Jonas had a difficult night for Vancouver, allowing 12 hits, walking five, hitting a batter and throwing a wild pitch.
First game:
Vancouver ......... 000 000 000—0 5 1
Bremerton .......... 002 003 00x—5 11 0
Hedgecock and Stumpf; Kittle and Ronning.
Second game (7 innings):
Vancouver ........ 000 001 0— 1 4 3
Bremerton ........ 350 200 x—10 12 1
Jonas and Brenner; Johnston and Volpi.

First game:
Yakima ......... 000 000 002— 2 7 2
Spokane ........ 111 046 04x—17 19 2
Ward, Meister (6) and Philips; Werbowski and O'Neill.
Second game:
Yakima ........ 303 011 000—8 8 3
Spokane ....... 022 002 111—9 9 2
Cordell, Simon (7) and Constantino; Spitzer. Miller (7), Forsyth (9) and O'Neill.

First game:
Wenatchee .......... 001 002 3—6 10 3
Salem .................. 011 100 0—3 5 3
Cronin, Osborn (6), Condon (7) and Dalrymple; Lazor and Beard.
Second game:
Wenatchee ........... 000 000 011—2 10 0
Salem ................... 000 000 003—3 5 1
Rose, McCollum (9) and Dalrymple; Wyatt and Kerr, Beard (8).

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