Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wednesday, May 28, 1947

W L Pct GB
Bremerton .... 30 13 .698 --
Spokane ...... 23 18 .562 4
Victoria ..... 23 19 .548 4½
Salem ........ 23 20 .535 7
Tacoma ....... 22 20 .524 7½
Vancouver .... 18 22 .450 10½
Yakima ....... 17 26 .395 13
Wenatchee .....12 30 .286 17½

SPOKANE, May 28 - Spokane Indians tonight employed good base-running and classy fielding to defeat the Wenatchee Chiefs 5-3 and take a two game to one margin in the team's current Western International League series.
The victory put Spokane back in second place in the league standings.
Bill Werbowski, Indian pitcher, allowed only seven scattered hits. The only series Wenatchee threat was in the eighth inning when doubles by Ted Greenhalgh and Leo Winter scored two.
Wenatchee ......... 000 000 021—3 7 2
Spokane ............. 000 202 01x—5 10 1
McCollum and Pesut; Werbowski and Bufflap.

TACOMA, May 28 - Lefty Carl Shapley spaced out four hits and the Tacoma Tigers clubbed out a 6-2 win over the Victoria Athletics in their Western International League game here tonight.
Victoria's first counter, an unearned run, came in the second when Bill White singled and Bob Hedington's miscue of Bill Anske's ground ball. The Tigers roared back in the latter part of the second when Dick Greco belted a triple to right centre field, and scored on Roy Paton's single. Paton moved up to second on Maury Dononvan's single and romped home on Pete Tedeschi's single.
Greco, who slugged out a triple, a double and two singles in four times at the plate, scored four of Tacoma's six runs. Paton, who batted home Greco three times with singles, scored one run and Glenn Stetter got the remaining one.
Victoria scored its final run in the seventh when Shapley hit a wild streak on two walks, a "blooper" single and an outfield fly. Victoria's Russian-Hawaiian Len Kasparovitch was charged with his fourth defeat, while Shapley gained his fourth victory against two losses.
Victoria ........ 010 000 100-2 4 1
Tacoma ........ 021 001 02x-6 13 1
Kasparovich, Gibson (7) and Anske; Shapley and Kuper.

BREMERTON, May 28 - The Bremerton Bluejackets scored seven times in the fourth inning to hand the Vancouver Capilanos an 8-3 loss Wednesday in a Western International League game.
Included in the big inning was a two-run home run by Ed Murphy, a double by pitcher Joe Sullivan, four singles and three walked.
Sullivan had a pair of doubles and brought in three runs in the game.
Lou Estes' homer in the seventh brought in Frank Mullens.
The loss was tagged on Hunk Anderson, who gave up all seven runs in the 6 2-3 innings he worked. He was traded to the Salem Senators after the game.
Vancouver ......... 000 000 210—3 8 0
Bremerton ........ 000 700 01x—8 9 4
Anderson, Manier (4) and Brenner, Stumpf (9); Sullivan and Volpi.

SALEM, May 28 - Salem Senators evened their series with the Yakima Stars, 11-8, in a wild ball game tonight. The Western International League series now stands at 1-1.
Seven hurlers saw action — four of them for the Yaks and three for Salem. A five-run explosion in the eighth — in which a trio of Star moundsmen saw action — clinched the contestb for the Solons.
Yakima .... 002 040 020— 8 12 2
Salem ....... 103 020 05x—11 15 2
Romple, Wallerstein (5), Brysch (8), Federmeyer (8) and Phillips; Lazor, Sporer (5), Sinovich (9) and Beard.

Trade Brings Carl to Caps
VANCOUVER - The Vancouver Capilanos have traded Hunk Anderson to the Salem Senators for lefthander Carl Gunnarson.
Salem had been offered Bob Snyder, but the Senators didn't need another lefthander with Ken Wyatt and Wendall Mossor on their staff. They took the righthanded Anderson instead.
Gunnarson won three games and lost one for Salem this season, while Anderson has a 2-5 decision.

[Vancouver Sun, May 29, 1947]
Right Field Wall Tough Now
Coincident with arrival of Pete Jonas as pitcher and pinch-hitter for the home forces at Capilano Stadium, a new wire screen will rise high over the 16-foot barricade that has served to turn back the odd baseball since Robert P. Brown was a boy.
Brown will extend the netting from the right field foul line down past the famed “555” sign some 150 feet into fair territory. From a height of 16 feet the wall will now become an imposing 40-foot barrier.
Brown and yours truly sat in the empty grandstand yesterday, gazing at the historic palings. Being a stickler for details, and somehow being unable to disconnect the proposed construction from little Pete’s return, I asked Bob if the new screen is a tribute to Peter’s power with the stick, or a reflection on his pitching ability.
Shaking off the question with something that was in the neighbourhood of a smile, the veteran Capilano business manager said that, as everybody must have guessed, it was to stop the monotonous flight of Oriental home runs that have been popping over into Sixth Avenue to the strains, sorrow and subsequent collapse of the young pitching staff.
They didn’t seem to need a screen there in his day, as I recalled it.
“Goodness gracious, Alf!” he said, breaking into what passes, for him, as blasphemy, “I couldn’t have hit one over there unless I stood down at first base.”
Bob Used the Bounce System

“For another thing, when I had to go over into the hole between short and third, when I was a shortstop, I would—well, I used to tell my first baseman ahead of time to get ready to step either ahead or back to get the right bounce, because that was the way it was going to come, on the bounce. And I was a good ballplayer, in the days when it wasn’t a crime for a ballplayer to think.”
To give Brown his due, he was a good ballplayer for a little fellow. I saw him play, for years. He played with the throttle wide open. And if he couldn’t lick him any other way he was always prepared to crawl inside a bigger man and lick him to death.
The modern rabbit ball has taken a great deal out of baseball. Harry Heilman and Ken Williams, both of whom later led the American League hitters, had plenty of trouble knocking the ball out of the Sixth Avenue ballyard. As did local sluggers Dode Brinker and Emil Frisk, the latter as talented at batsman as ever lived. Yet they were grand workmen to watch.
The current crop of pitchers is admittedly no batrgain, but the modern set of rules and the code under which umpires now call balls and strikes were all designed to favor the hitter. Even so, however, there seemed to be scant excuse for the fat, high pitches served up in the clutch to dangerous hitters such as Bill Barisoff and Bob Hedington last week.
Short Fence Never Scared Pete
Just a few years back when clever, heady Don Osborn was pitching here, he obviously used to enjoy the chore of working over big Smead Jolley, and Jolley was a hitter who could outhit the likes of Barisoff and Hedington cards and spades. Nor did Pete Jonas, in his previous stints here, ever shy or fall into a faint at the sight of the short fence. It cost him the occasional game. It won him the odd one, too.
Speaking of little Peter and the knowledge of the local terrain, it reminds me of the ex-New York Giant Charlie Mead joined the Caps here last summer.
“You’re an oldtimer in this league, Jonas, from what they say,” said Mead in the clubhouse. “Tell me, how did you used to pitch to Bob Brown?”

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