Sunday, June 17, 2007

Games of Thursday, May 29, 1946

Blankenship Stars in Relief for A's
TACOMA, May 29 - Victoria Athletics salvaged the final game of atheir five-game series with the Tacoma Tigers here tongith when they came from behind to score an 11-5 triumph.
Joe Blankenship, manager Ted Nobert's relief ace, received credit for the victory. He took over in the first inning when the Tigers sent starter Ray Fortier to the showers, and finished the contest, hurling scoreless ball in the last six innings.
A trifle wild at times, Blankenship was in constant trouble but squeaked by each time as the Tacomans left 12 runners stranded during his stay on the mound.
Four Tacoma errors and 11 bases on balls by Tacoma pitchers played a big part in the Victoria win, which was featured by a game-winning, six-run rally in the fifth. Jack Harshman's triple was the big blow in the scoring splurge.
The verdict left the Tigers holding a 3-2 series edge.
Victoria .......... 110 062 001—11 9 0
Tacoma ......... 302 000 000— 5 8 4
Fortier, Blankenship (7) and Anske; Walden, Gilson (5), Chetkovich (9) and Clifford, Kuner (7).

Murphy Shines as Tars Score
BREMERTON, May 29 - The Western International League-leading Bremerton Bluejackets made a clean sweep of their series with the Vancouver Capilanos tonight as pitcher Bill Ahearn turned in a 4-0 shutout.
Eddie Murphy, Bremerton's star guardian, robbed the Capilanos of a couple of hits when he made two shoestring catches almost at the fence.
Murphy was the hitting star, his double sparking a three-run splurge in the sixth inning. He homered in the eighth.
Fielding trouble resulted in those three runs. Len 'Red' Tran tossed low to first on a play that would have cut down the scoring to a single run. It was followed by Joe Gedzius' wallop, a single that brought in a pair of unearned runs ahead of Murphy's RBI double.
Vancouver .............. 000 000 000—0 4 2
Bremerton .............. 000 003 01x—4 7 0
Snyder and Brenner, Stumpf (8); Ahearn and Volpi.

Wenatchee .......... 000 220 001— 5 9 4
Spokane .............. 603 230 21x—17 17 2
Osborn, Adams (2) Frost (6) and Pesut; Costello and Bufflap.

Yakima ....... 000 200 200—4 11 2
Salem ......... 010 330 10x—8 12 1
Cordell, Simon (6) Federmeyer (8) and Phillips; Sinovic, Sporer (7) and Beard.

W.I.L. Head Disallows Protest
VICTORIA - Manager Ted Norbert's protest of Bremerton's 1-0 victory over the Victoria Athletics here on May 24 has been disallowed by League President Robert Abel. Norbert claimed Bremerton pitcher Hub Kittle was using a "foreign substance" on his pitching hand and based his protest on a violation of this baseball rule.
A telegram from President Abel to the Colonist following a query elicited the following reply:
"Protest can not be recognized to the fact that notice of protest was not wired or sent me according to the league rules. The game stands as played. This is not to infer I would have sustained protest as the umpire carefully examined Kittle's hand at the time and permitted him to continue to pitch. The resin bag itself and contents were in order.
"However, the use of any foreign substance by a pitcher on his fingers is prohibited and the rule will be strictly enforced. It was alleged Kittle mixed tobacco with resin. Whether he did or not, I do not decide, but for your information would consifder this a foreign substance."
- Colonist, Friday, May 30, 1947

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